Dreading having to run yet another employee training seminar?
You know you’ve done it before: the planning, organizing, herding employees, and hours spent to make dry information exciting – it can all feel overwhelming. Luckily, we have a solution to make those long training days more enjoyable for everyone involved – you included.
Using video in employee training programs comes with several benefits, including streamlining the training process, increasing comprehension, and increasing productivity, which improves your company's engagement, budget, and image.
Training Videos Engage Your Employees
Video in any setting creates higher engagement rates in the workplace. By including videos in employee training programs, you can convey complex and detail-heavy concepts simply as opposed to audio or written text training materials. In-person training can also benefit from including videos with appealing graphics to support the content material. In fact, when a company includes visuals in training sessions, the retention rate is improved by up to 65%.
Flexibility for Managers and Staff
Video training allows your company to customize the content to your needs. We understand that company protocols and procedures change with time, and your training materials must reflect that. Create videos that allow for changes down the line. Aside from flexibility for the company, it also allows more accessibility for employees. Training videos can be viewed from anywhere, meaning employees do not have to be in the office to receive training. This is essential considering the remote and hybrid employees that make up a large portion of the workforce today. Your company’s time is precious and should be used efficiently. If you are not leveraging your position in the digital space, then you may not be getting the best results possible internally or externally.
Training Videos Save Money and Resources
Having your manager or HR conduct employee training can be time-consuming and difficult to plan - especially if you are onboarding a large number of new hires. That time could otherwise be invested into the company more productively. While there is a cost for video production, you will save money in the long term with a video that can be used repeatedly for your employee training and can be updated when needed.
Opt for a quick, detailed video, and employees will still have the energy to continue working for the day but will still receive all of the essential information. And – that information is guaranteed to be delivered accurately and thoroughly to each and every employee, every single time.
Measurable Results
Training videos make it much easier to measure results compared to in-person training sessions. You can measure results directly from the video or create online training portals to see who has completed the training and whether the employee is retaining the information. Data can include how many views the video has and how many people watched the video from start to finish. This robust training and onboarding is instrumental in boosting employee engagement and retention.